Like Elsa
Family gathered in the conservatory,
youngest niece, Isabella, watches me,
as I rest back on the comfy chair,
sweeping my straggly, static hair
into a messy heap, over one shoulder.
Smiling, she says to Christina, her sister -
“Hey look, Dodo* has put her hair like that
and it looks like it’s in a plat, and because
it’s…white, she looks like Elsa”.
I’m happy then, delighted to be like
their favorite Disney Character;
It’s the best compliment I’ve had
since depigmentation began.
Like the snow queen herself,
in her spectacular ice palace
a resplendant arctic blonde — different,
but shimmering and lovely.
I’ll take that and treasure it:
I’m like Elsa.
*A colloquial Welsh word meaning ‘aunt’.